Friday, October 5, 2007

Mediterranean Sardines

I never had sardines til recently, but I fell in love with them immediately (although I am quite sure that picking the right sort makes all the difference).

Sardines are rich in Omega-3 EFAs as well as in Vitamin D. The brand I stumbled upon are extremely flavorful without being fishy (tuna can't compare, in my opinion...). And I feel just great after eating them. Fixed up with fresh parsley, red onions, black olives and olive oil, they are a quick & very satisfying meal.

The brand of sardines I found is "Season", from Morocco. I buy the skinless, boneless and saltless variety, which enable me to salt with my own beloved "himmy" salt. This brand tastes like the small fresh fish my Greek family make on Samos. One bite and it takes me back immediately...

Mediterranean Sardines
  • one can Season brand sardines, skinless, boneless, no salt added
  • very generous sprinkling of Himalayan Crystal Salt
  • thinly sliced red onion, to taste
  • handful of cilantro (or very tender parsley), chopped
  • 2-3 sun-dried, home-cured raw peruvian olives (or other black olives)
  • drizzle of extra virgin olive oil
Assemble in order of ingredients, and eat with pieces of excellent quality bakery bread, or crackers. One day I'm sure I'll find a nice live sprouted cracker recipe, but until then... I enjoy my bread. :)

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